Today's post I am so super excited about for a multitude of reasons. A couple being this wonderful lady runs a business that helps other small businesses so I automatically love it. And I got to shoot her pics in the SNOW at the OKC Pop Up Shops because she is the wizard behind the scenes! And she may be the only person alive precious enough to look oh-so-adorable in a puffer jacket. So combine the small business aspect, snow, Christmas & puffer jackets you pretty much have my ideal photo shoot. So today I'd like you to meet Allison Barta Bailey. And because she can say it much better than me, I stole this copy directly from her website to explain her business model: " I’m a local retail consultant for independent shops & districts. I help shop owners stick to their shop philosophy, get strategic with their promotions, engage with their customers and cultivate a local retail community."
Name: Allison Bailey
Business Name: Barta Bailey
Favorite Dessert: ice cream of any kind. Roxy’s Mango is the best though.
Favorite Artist/Album: Alison Krauss, Now That I’ve Found You
When did you start your business? 2010
What inspired you to start it? I had been working with local retailers on the side while I was employed at a corporate job and I was so drawn to the businesses and the concept of connecting with customers that I jumped in full time.
What would you say was your biggest challenge to overcome? I enjoy doing everything myself. It has been hard to start allowing my staff to take responsibility for particular projects. Thankfully, I’ve surrounded myself with great employees and contractors, so that helps.
Who/what was your biggest encouragement and why? I had recently married my husband when I decided to quit my full-time job to pursue working with local retailers. I’m sure he was wondering what he got into at the time. It wasn’t easy to start a business and I still have moments or months of intense stress surrounding events. Kevin, my husband, has continually supported my projects and can usually be seen in the background, silently helping me make them run smoothly.
What is your favorite part of your business: I started my business because I enjoyed working with retailers. I still love that part. Shop owners are funny, talented, brilliant people. Recently, I’ve enjoyed researching new technology and concepts that are coming to retail. We’ve been testing several of those ideas with our pop-up shops.
If you had advice to anyone who might be starting a business like yours? Dream big, but be realistic about the time commitment that it takes to start a business. I spend hours on bookkeeping, legal documents and insurance to get to be able to run my business.
Anything else about your small business that you’re passionate about? No matter what type of business you are in, don’t covet other ideas or grow jealous of other successes. It’s more important to concentrate on innovating and developing your own unique ideas than to waste time focusing on someone else’s. And, celebrate other successes! Those businesses will be right there with you celebrating yours.
Thank you so much Allison for being involved! I love what you said about not coveting ideas or growing jealous of others, so great. So if you are a small business looking for some direction, check her out! And if you are looking for some great Christmas presents from local vendors, check out the Pop Up Shops in midtown!